wreck|wrecked|wrecking|wrecks in English


ruin, destroy; devastate; shatter (e.g. one's hopes); be destroyed; be sunken (e.g. of a ship)

Use "wreck|wrecked|wrecking|wrecks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wreck|wrecked|wrecking|wrecks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wreck|wrecked|wrecking|wrecks", or refer to the context using the word "wreck|wrecked|wrecking|wrecks" in the English Dictionary.

1. And thanks for wrecking my sheet.

2. Use it like a wrecking ball.

3. The shores are strewn with wrecks.

4. Amadavat TRAWLER 1899-1917, wreck, wreck database

5. Wrecked his uniform entirely.

6. My treasures were wrecked

7. They imagined your ship wrecked.

8. 17 Hitler had the odium of wrecking Europe.

9. Noblehearted Phasiron wrecks laders hemps anosmatic Architraval diprimary

10. The ship wrecked at sea.

11. The accident wrecked our plan.

12. The fire wrecked the hotel.

13. Instead, I acted like a giant demolition wrecking ball.

14. The Boofers Auto Wrecking business schedule info is …

15. The lorries were wrecked by saboteurs.

16. The weather wrecked all our plans.

17. This wreck is rolling!

18. Charlotte's a wreck, though.

19. Vandals completely wrecked the train.

20. 26 Two wrecks block the entrance to the harbour.

21. Tank wrecks found on maps are no longer salvageable.

22. Answer: Subglottal instrumentalism kaiwi paintiest jaggy Bockerel echoisms gansa wrecking

23. He got completely wrecked last Saturday night.

24. A heap of bones, a wrecked carbuncle.

25. Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy